Deep Story Design Online
12 writers + 8 weeks = story breakthroughs
"Prose is architecture not interior decorating." ~ Hemingway
Course includes live calls and personal feedback.
Are you a writer?
Are you writing a novel, screenplay, or memoir?
Do you want to write a story that works, a story that satisfies your audience, a story that comes alive with meaning?
It is essential for writers to master the principles of story structure and the stages of character development in order to design stories with real depth and resonance.
And that's what you'll learn with Deep Story Design Online ...
Over the course of 8 weeks you will:
Understand the principles of 3-act structure and how it provides the framework for your unique story design.
Develop strong characters that propel plots and embody transformation.
Uncover personal truths that reveal the depth and authenticity of your creative voice.
New Dates Coming Soon
What Previous Participants Have to Say:
"...huge light bulbs went off ..."
"With each story aspect April discussed, huge light bulbs went off for me. I came away with a new appreciation for story.”
~ Kartik Singh, Paris, France
"...left me full of ideas ..."
“April reawakened my belief in myself as a writer and left me full of ideas on how to approach both structure and character design.”
~ Shirley Rudolph, Vancouver, BC
"April Bosshard is a story genie."
“For many writers, getting the words down on paper is the easy part. Understanding how to tell a story is the bit that confounds us. April Bosshard is a story genie. In her story design workshop, you will learn the best way to structure your narrative for maximum impact and how exactly to tame an unruly plot. Highly recommended.”
~ Anita Chaudhuri, London, UK
"...all the 'superpowers' a writer needs..."
“This course, along with April’s coaching, gave me the tools, all the "superpowers" a writer needs, but isn't necessarily born with, to tell a story. I felt as though my work was being deeply read and understood. I was always excited to receive a new lesson, because I knew that it would take me into an aspect of the manuscript which I most wanted to be working on, both in a manageable and powerful way.”
~ Andrea Mozarowski, Toronto, Ontario
"...taught me...helped me..."
“I've attended quite a few writing classes and workshops over the past four decades, but none has taught me as much or helped me more than Deep Story Design Online.”
~ Prof. Douglas Gray, Columbus, Ohio
"...thoroughly enjoyed..."
I thoroughly enjoyed the experience of Deep Story Design. April has very cleverly deconstructed the process of story-writing – dissected it, inspected every element, put it back together again and shared her discoveries with us - and they are enlightening.
Through the course, I picked up lots of tips, templates and concepts to be aware of (and use as needed) as I write. I had to go deep to work out why I write the stories I write, and what that might mean for me as a writer going forward. I’ve written a couple of books, and both times went through a somewhat similar process with an editor just before publication. Deep Story Design, however, gives you the tools to design a story right from the outset, before even putting the first word on a page.
I enjoyed the way the course was delivered too – through a series of handouts, videos and recordings; especially enjoyable were the video calls with April and fellow writers. I've taken away so many valuable insights and tools that I know will stand to me throughout my writing life ahead - I expect to revisit them time and time again as my storytelling journey continues.
~ Jenni B., Dublin, Ireland
How the Class Works
The primary purpose of this course is to learn and understand, at a deep level, the principles of story structure and character development so that you can apply them to your work-in progress, begin a new project, or simply recommit more deeply to your writing process.
Some people might get a draft of a novel or screenplay laid out or even complete. Others may use this time to revise the story they’ve been working on. A few may choose to soak up the knowledge and inspiration to put towards a future project. Whatever your intention, this deep dive into story and character principles, and the writing process itself, will be nourishing, inspiring, and informative.
PDF lessons and handouts will be sent by email. Weekly live classes will be recorded for review or in case of absence.We'll have our own Google Group email address, which will easily identify our email threads from others in your inbox. The PDF lessons will be sent through this email address. As well, you can use this address to share homework submissions and comments. It's optional to comment on others' submissions, since your own creative work will be your highest priority.
Weekly online live gatherings will allow us to go over course material and review the previous week's exercises/assignments. You will be sent a link to join the call, which will be hosted on the Zoom platform (very easy to click and join the call).
Your own creative work is your highest priority. You will be invited to submit and comment on other writers' work (with respect and confidentiality, of course) but you will not obligated to do this. All participants who choose to submit weekly assignments will receive some feedback from April during our live calls.
Besides a curious mind, an open heart, and a fertile imagination…
Please have a notebook and pen or pencil at the ready. I recommend devoting a fresh notebook to this class. Here you will capture warm up exercises, class notes, and certain assignments. If you prefer using a keyboard, that’s fine, but do also have a notebook and pen handy because some exercises work better with pen on paper.
You’ll also need access to certain films that I’ll be referring to as examples throughout the course. You should be able to find sources through iTunes, Netflix, video stores, YouTube, or my personal favorite: DVDs from your local library. I’ll be using films for several reasons: they are fairly easy to access; faster to get through than books; and are usually excellent examples of the use of story structure.
About April
April Bosshard has been referred to as a "story whisperer" and a "story genie” because of her keen awareness of story principles and deep understanding of the writer's craft. She’s helped hundreds of writers deal with the complex issues of story-creating and sticking to the writing process. She teaches workshops locally and internationally to help writers and filmmakers achieve their creative goals. More about April.
To contact April, please email: deepstorydesign@gmail.com